
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Editor's Note

Ubqari Magazine - August 2012

[Tasbeeh Khana’s Khaleefa]
ENGINEER SULTAN AHMAD ASIF… Memories and reminiscences
The long journey actually exhausted me. Lahore to Rawalacot and then the mountainous drive till Bagh, Azad Kashmir taught me a lesson that how long will the flight to the here-after be. I was lost in these feelings, diving deep in the sea of thoughts when suddenly I was informed about the death of Engineer Sultan Ahmad Asif, after suffering from long illness. The shock of death brought me back from imagination to reality. In the long battle of life and death, death always wins. Allah took such extraordinary endeavor from this amazing person which might be in the fate of one in a million or billion. He is responsible for taking Quran and Sunnah’s English journey to the world i.e. he translated my book “SUNNAT-E-NABWI AND MODERN SCIENCE”. This book is divided into four bindings and totals to 1800 pages. It is popular in the world and the credit for its translation came in the bright fate of Sultan Sahab. I wonder how many people will read the book and implement the sunnah in their lives and how many disgraced and astray youngsters will learn the lesson of direction. He also translated “ASAAN NAIKIYON KAY HAIRAT-ANGAIZ FAZAIL” and “DO ANMOL KHAZANA”. The astonishing fact shared to me by English experts is that the level of his English is such which every person can’t write. He spent his life in providing light to the city; he was a great engineer of the electricity department but the source of spiritual light which he became is only in the fate of few men; every men does not gain this honor. The way he combated cancer with courage, nerve, strength, contentment and spent that time with patience, aamaal and worship is the privilege of few people. Deceased’s eldest son Dr. Abdul Manan Chowdhry is a great scholar and at present is serving Berlin University as its faculty. He was American president, Barrack Obama’s companion in his educational world. Dr Abdul Manan Chowdhry visited Pakistan few weeks back and the way in which he was welcomed and covered by the media, is astounding. The son is an asset of a great father; I will always feel his absence. He and his family are considered one of my initial hosts. Allah has made Engineer Sultan Ahmad Asif’s wife finest example of hospitability, SADQAT E JARIA, housekeeping, kindheartedness and sincerity. The manner in which this female served her truthful husband in old age is such which no other wife may have done. Allah has blessed each member of this family with qualities. Junaid Ahmad is an engineer in Denmark. Talal Ahmad is serving in Saudia Arab; deceased engineer was served by his pious son in his last moments. Engineer Mukarram Ahmad remarkably attended his father. He was unconscious and came in senses after noon on Friday. The son recited the kalma; they kept reciting it for 15 minutes. He kept staring at the sky which is a guaranteed sign of viewing sights of heaven. Then silence…. and his breathing discontinued. His memorial services were performed according to Sunnah. With my permission, his son offered his namaz-e-janaza. He expired on Friday, 29th June 2012 around 12:30 pm and funeral took place after asar. While writing this down, my pen is not supporting me. A sentence is coming to me repeatedly; Mera rang roop bikhar gaya; mera yaar mujh say bichar gaya
In his last moments, the steps taken by his obedient and beloved son Engineer Mukarram Ahmad are impressive. The deceased performed great endeavors in his 73-year life but the biggest of all is that he invested his life, money and time in the printing of Quran and sunnah and then left them in the form of English books as the best SADQA JARIA. It is a rare example. May Allah bless the deceased with forgiveness and bless his dependents (especially his wife who is a pious, chaste, religious and hospitable woman) with health and shelter. May they stay as a shadow-tree to their children and grand-children. May Allah grant love and affection among the brothers.
Do remember my benefactor in the moments of Ramadan and donate him maximum aamaals and remember him in your prayers. It will be your beneficence on Ubqari’s editor.

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